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Unlock Your Body's Healing Power: Intuitive Intermittent Fasting for Women over 40

Most conventional diet and lifestyle trends work for men, but not for women. It's not your fault. It's your your hormones, and they are actually your super power.

Are you a woman over 40

who's tired of failed diets, overwhelmed by hormonal changes and ready to feel better?

Have you been ignoring your symptoms and pushing through

Intuitive Intermittent Fasting may hold the key!

Have you been told...

  • Eat smaller meals throughout the day,

  • Breakfast is "the most important meal of the day," or

  • If you don't eat, you won't have energy?


I've been told those things too, but none of it helped me feel better.

But why?

Here's the thing...

This advice works for men. It's based on male biology.

It doesn't take into account female biology or our fluctuating hormones.

We experience hormonal changes throughout our lives, sometimes blaming our hormones when nothing seems to be working in terms of weight loss.  But, I'm here to tell you:

Your hormones are a superpower, not a curse.

Intermittent fasting can be the key to balancing hormones naturally, when done safely and intuitively.

Intermittent Fasting for Women 40+ can

  • Naturally Balance Hormones

  • Shed Excess Weight

  • Rev up Metabolism 

  • Elevate Energy

  • Improve Sleep 

  • Increase Mental Clarity

  • Improve Focus

  • Reduce Cravings

  • Reduce Inflammation

  • Promote Cellular Repair 

  • Stimulate Muscle and Bone growth (key for longevity)

The truth about weight loss and hormones after 40

It can be more difficult to lose weight as we age and hormones change, but...

Fasting is more accessible thank you may think.

Fasting is Free,

Fasting is Intuitive,

Fasting is a Century old practice.

Fasting is a Self-healing modality.

Fasting is Safe for women.

But, fasting has been underutilized, especially by women. 

After 40, women's hormones change.​​

Our nutrition and lifestyle must change too.

Intuitive Intermittent Fasting can be the key to sustainable weight-loss and naturally balancing hormones after 40.

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When You Intuitively Intermittent Fast

You build your nutrition and lifestyle around your hormones, which are designed to let you know when you're hungry and when you are full. It's intuitive! 

You can gain Freedom and Confidence to intuitively nourish yourself, getting your health back on track and feeling healthy.

Your body heals, naturally balances hormones, helps you shed unwanted weight, repairs damaged cells and grows beautiful new ones.


The key to feeling healthier, lighter and happier in your 40s is via Intuitive Intermittent Fasting. 

That’s why I created the Intermittent Fasting Masterclass: to empower women to tap into our own body's healing power through intuitive intermittent fasting.​​

In this 90-Minute Replay, 

You'll Discover:

This Masterclass Is
Perfect For You If...

  • You’re a woman over 40

  • You’re a busy professional who repeatedly chooses work over health

  • You’re interested in fasting (maybe you’ve even tried it!), but uncertain if you're doing it right

  • You've heard about health benefits of fasting, but not sure if you can actually do it  

  • You're looking for a simple and clear intuitive intermittent fasting plan that actually works

  • You’re ready to work with your body, balance hormones naturally and prioritize your health 🙌🏽 


I'll show you how to create easy to follow INTUITIVE and SAFE fasting schedule that lets you tap into your body's intuitive healing powers, so you can:

  • Shed unwanted weight

  • Rev up your metabolism

  • Make new, healthy, beautiful cells

  • Tap into stem cell repair

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Improve digestion

  • Claim your energy and mental clarity

Once you've experienced the healing benefits of fasting, you'll truly understand that your body intuitively can heal. 

In this masterclass, I'll be sharing:


Intuitive Intermittent Fasting

Masterclass Replay and Bonus

“This isn’t as hard as I thought, it is just new territory for me. Thanks for all your support Vesna!”

- Susan

Are you ready to unlock the healing benefits of Intuitive Intermittent Fasting?

Don’t waste another second feeling unhappy with how you look and feel.

 Reclaim your health.

Intuitive Intermittent Fasting is free, accessible, and effective. 


Asked Questions

Who is fasting NOT recommended for?

Pregnant women, nursing, or anyone with eating disorders or any food challenges that could be triggered by fasting.

Is intermittent fasting safe for women?

Absolutely. There is a proven scientific and intuitive way to safely use intermittent fasting as a woman. I'll share how to fast in tune with your hormonal cycle, or if you're on birth control, IUD, or already in menopause for maximum health benefits. 

Is intermittent fasting just another diet trend?

No, fasting is not a diet. It doesn't dictate what to eat, but WHEN to eat. People have utilized this practice for centuries. Think of a time you felt unwell...did you lose your appetite? This is your body's intuitive wisdom, reserving energy for repair and healing vs. spending it on digestion of food. Makes sense, right?

What Clients Say

When I started meeting with Vesna I was a bit overwhelmed, focused on helping everyone else and not taking time to stop to care for myself and fill my own cup. Vesna helped me sort through the swirl, capture my thoughts, prioritize ME and as a result everything else seemed to fall into place…all the sudden I realized that I wasn’t feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or discontent anymore - my blood pressure even returned to normal ranges. It’s amazing what guidance from an incredible coach and a little focused attention on yourself will do for you!

I’ve learned so much from Vesna on so many topics…nutrition, exercise, meditation, mindful breathing, healthy recipes. I encourage everyone to invest in yourself and spend some time with Vesna!

Tammy Jackson
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