Often times clients ask me: "What is your favorite podcast? Or, how do you stay on top of all the health and nutrition information?"
I guess you can say that I'm an audio learner and have always enjoyed learning new content, so podcasts are my go to for the latest wellness information. This is a list of my top 10 podcasts, each one has a different spin on wellness, nutrition, health, personal development, growth mindset, etc. because I believe that health is a wholistic wellbeing, not just a single component or food.
These are not in any particular order. If you listen to any of these or have one podcast that you subscribe to, please share in the comments section.
The Model Health Show by Shawn Stevenson
The Melissa Ambrosini Show by Melissa Ambrosini
The Doctor's Farmacy by Mark Hyman, M.D.
The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey
The Wellness Mama Podcast by Katie Wells
The Plant Based News Podcast
The Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger by Michael Greger, MD. FACLM
The Exam Room by the Physicians Committee
The Ultimate Health Podcast by Jesse Chappus
The Darin Olien Show by Derin Olien
