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How to improve gut health

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Happy Gut - Happy Life

Gut and Brain Connection

Imagine your favorite food.

Imagine someone is cooking it for you, right now, in your kitchen.

You can smell it.

You can taste it.

You crave it.

What is it? Is your mouth watering?

Have you ever noticed that the mere thought of food can make you start to salivate?

That’s because the brain and gut are connected—aka the gut and brain connection!

However, when your gut is weak, even your favorite food can cause digestive upset.

From the moment food enters your mouth, you turn on digestion until that food comes out the other end—or gets stuck, and when it gets stuck it gets ferment, which can lead to inflammation and bigger health issues.

Living with gastrointestinal (GI) upset isn't fun —especially if you've lived with GI issues what feels like a lifetime—and accepted gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea as “normal”.

I have good news:

  1. These GI symptoms are not "normal". and.....

  2. You can eat your favorite food again without experiencing digestive upset by nourishing your gut with foods that feed your gut microbiome not starve it. For immediate results, start with the 4 Day Nourishment Cleanse.

4 Day Nourishment Cleanse for Gut Health

Nourishment Cleanse has helped 100s of women, their partners and even their kids feel like themselves again. The reason why the 4 Day Nourishment Cleanse works is that it nourishes the gut, which optimizes your overall health. Simply put, because it's simple and results are quick.

Gut health is impacted by a variety of factors—not just what you eat, but also stress, environmental toxins, job stress, relationships, use of medications and antibiotics, lack of sleep, and movement.

That’s why nourishing your gut is the essential first step to feeling healthier, allowing you to enjoy your favorite food and live a happy life on your terms.

A Nourishment Cleanse is a simple and proven way to reset and optimize gut health.

It can feel overwhelming to try and do it all at once.

It’s not so easy to leave a job or relationship that’s stressing you out (causing you to overeat or lose your appetite). But once you make this connection, your stress and your gut are connected, it's not just all in your head.

Start by focusing on what’s within your control—nourishing your gut is the first step.

Even if you’re someone who has been eating organic, whole foods, and getting the right nutrients, your body may not be absorbing them.

Before adding more to your plate—which is what I see most people do—start with the basics: whole, nourishing foods. 

Supplements, pre and probiotics, or ingredients you can’t pronounce may provide temporary relief, but might not address the root cause.

How to Get Started, and Nourish Your Gut?

The One Thing to Do if You Do Nothing Else


Yes, it’s that simple.

Most nutrient absorption happens in your small intestine, which, when spread out, can be the size of a tennis court—so not that “small”! If there’s too much fluid or not enough fluid, it impacts how well nutrients are absorbed. So start small: drink water and stay hydrated. This is the first building block of good health—it’s the foundation.

woman drinking water

If you struggle to drink plain water, add a slice of orange, lemon, or your favorite fruit (like strawberries) for flavor. Even a slice of cucumber or a sprig of fresh mint works. Herbal tea is also hydrating, and foods like watermelon can help too.

However, soda, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages can dehydrate you.

After you get started, what's next?

If you’re already staying hydrated and ready to take your health to the next level— enjoy your favorite meals without fearing GI upset—then the next step in your wellness journey is the Nourishment Cleanse.

This Nourishing Cleanse is 4 days, quick, simple, delivers real results you can feel and see.

Happy Gut - Healthy Life

The nourishment cleanse incorporates hydrating foods, to help you create daily lasting healthy habits. Make hydration one of your core health habits, but make it a no brainer for a happy gut. This is not a cleanse where you go hungry. It's a Nourishment Cleanse.

Nourishment Cleanse takes all the guesswork out of it and gets real results—quickly.

It’s so motivating to see that what you’re doing is actually working!

And then what....?

Get ready to unlock your vitality and feel unstoppable with personal coaching.

Who's your personal health and nutrition coach?

With personal health and nutrition coaching, tailored to your need, your lifestyle, your body type -you can unlock vitality and feel unstoppable.

Focus on your health, receive a personalized health and nutrition plan tailored for you and your lifestyle. With 30 Days New You Program you'll receive

  • A personalized health and nutrition plan

  • Support and accountability

  • Tailored coaching for your specific body type and lifestyle

  • Rapid results that unlock your vitality and longevity

Yes, this includes upleveling your gut health, so you experience real results quickly. And with 30 Days New You plan, you receive the Nourishment Cleanse included, no extra cost.

Ready to nourish your gut for optimal health, and unlock your vitality? 

You don't have to do it alone, try to figure it out. Get the fast pass by joining New You 30 Day Coaching program and get health results you've been wanting for years. Invest in YOU!

Let's get started! Click here to learn more.

Vesna Rysdale from Nourished Alive stacking apples


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