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3 Intuitive Ways to Detox Your Daily Routine and live a more Nourished Life

No matter how clean you eat, how often you workout, supplements you take or how you bio-hack, from environmental pollution to pesticides everyone can benefit from extra detoxification support.

Yet, most of us focus on what’s on our plate, forgetting what surrounds our plate, like career and relationships which also impact mental and emotional wellbeing, clogging up detox pathways in ways we may not have considered.

WHAT IS Detoxification?

Detoxification is your body's natural process of converting fat-soluble toxins (think heavy metals, pesticides, and medications) into water-soluble compounds that get eliminated from the body.

Liver is key organ in this detoxification process and requires lots of energy (or ATP), as well as certain bioactive compounds in food to work efficiently. This is why I encourage my clients to eat the rainbow, or whole foods diet, to activate this natural detoxification processes in their body.

But also when breathe and move we are detoxifying. For example, skin eliminates toxins through sweat, while the lungs excrete toxins through carbonic gas or phlegm. Human body is so amazing, right?

Detoxification Pathways

So where do things get stuck?

Efficient detoxification depends on several factors, including minimal exposure to toxins, like hormone disruptors, a healthy gut microbiome, and the availability of nutritional compounds (such as certain polyphenols) to help activate essential enzymes in this natural detoxification process.

As a Certified Health and Nutrition Coach, I work with clients helping them create a custom plan that supports their gut health and their body's natural detoxification process – from the foods they’re eating to the personal care products they use to how they “detox” their minds with stress reduction and quality sleep.

It can be overwhelming at first, especially if you've been do it on your own, trying to figure it out, wondering what's wrong.

A great place to start, can be to schedule a personal 15min Health Consult and receive 1-3 personalized recommendations to help you get started and feeling better.

Intuitive Ways to Detox Your Daily Routine.

  1. Nourish Your Gut, since food is the primary pathway for xenobiotics, or unwanted substances, to enter gut and disrupt the physical gut barrier (gut lining) leading to gut dysbiosis. When gut is weak, toxins can enter directly into your circulation rather than being eliminated through the body through natural detoxification process.

    ACTIONABLE STEP: Evaluate food on your plate. Are you eating a rainbow? Seasonal produce, organic, and locally grown? Or can you growing your own food, fresh herbs to start with is fine. Pick up something 'weird' and unusual next time you're at the store, try it! Diversity of food, promotes diversity of gut microbiome.

  2. Regular Daily Bowel Movements are essential for detoxification process to work properly. Daily BMs help excrete waste products (including metabolized toxins, and excess hormones like estrogen). Load up on fiber and drink plenty of water, to help things move along, otherwise unaddressed blockage (aka constipation) can lead to other more harmful bacterial overgrowth.

    ACTIONABLE STEP: If you depend on your morning coffee for that daily BM, consider yoga, stretches, especially twists if your body allows, to massage the colon and get things moving. My favorite way to get things moving is to do a few stretches when I get up, before I go for a walk with our puppy Pepper, he loves it and so does my body, while it's detoxifying, doing it's thing. Win-Win!

  3. Activate Parasympathetic Nervous System, the rest and digest, by adding mental breaks throughout the day, breath, gratitude practice and infusing enjoyment into day-to-day activities. When things really get stuck, I often recommend this holistic approach to clients and they're surprised, but IT WORKS! We tense up, including our intestines, and that signals to the body to tense up also and slow things down, creating gas and bloating.

ACTIONABLE STEP: Give these a try

  • Deep breathing (We start coaching session with a breathing exercise, which is everyone's favorite!)

  • Spending Time Outdoors - start your day outside, get daylight, wake up naturally!

  • Moving Your Body - embrace physical movement, stretching, flexibility, mobility!

  • Change the view during a stressful meeting, or situation (keep it simple, stand up, get a stand up desk, change your view 😉).


And look, yes you know all of these, but are you doing them?

Most likely you're not, or you get started, but forget, because life gets in the way.

It's ok, you're a human being, living a human life. I get it and that's where I can help you. Here's how:


Support gut health and physical detoxification by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, starting with your morning routine, then afternoon and evening.

Detox Your Daily Routine Morning, Afternoon, and Evening

Spending Time Outdoors (change up your morning routine, enjoy the sunrise and nature sounds, scenery, weather as you sip your favorite beverage or lemon water. Take 2 min for yourself, and fill up your cup first in the morning).

Move your body, especially if you've been sitting in the car, at your desk for hours since morning. Make that next call a walking meeting. Get moving, and nourish yourself while your body does the detoxification and moves things along.

Deep breathing as you wind down for the day, reflect on your wins, express gratitude as you take a few deep breaths and connect with yourself.

 Intuitive and simple - right? Will you do it?

If you'd like to make these intuitive ways part of your daily routine and have gentle accountability let's connect. I invite you to book a complimentary 15min coaching session and take your health to the next level. Book a FREE 15min consultation, to learn more.

Remember, detoxifying your daily routine can be intuitive and it's also a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It's not just what's on your plate, but also what surrounds your plate.

Start your journey towards a detoxified and vibrant life today!

The information provided is meant for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. It's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle or health regimen.


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