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High-Touch 1.1 Personalized Health and Nutrition Coaching.

Busy executives and high - performers. 

Personalized plans for your 

Body type, Body energy, and Life.


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Reclaim Your HEALTH Through Intuitive Nourishment

Does This Sound Familiar? 

You've finally made it, career, family and all

But it's not how you thought it would feel...


You’re tired of feeling tired. 


Some days you have good energy, and you'd love more of those, but how?



You know what you SHOULD be doing, but you can't seem to find the time.


Your health is a priority, and yet it comes last.


You're running around, packed schedule, can't seem to catch a break.


Everyone needs something from you, so your needs come last and this makes you feel resentful. 

If you’re tired of feeling tired all the time, don’t feel like yourself in your own skin and suspect that something just isn’t right but can’t find the right doctor or practitioner that meets all your needs, then I’m here to help!  

It's time to empower you to be the CEO of your own health!

Discover The Nourished Alive Framework That Focuses On...

Intuitive Nourishment

re-connect to your body's intuitive wisdom, and nourish to thrive.

Intuitive Movement

move intuitively, in sync with your body's natural rhythm.

Intuitive Flow

flow through your day and feel alive in your career, relationships, physically and spiritually!​


Hi, I'm Vesna Rysdale

Certified Integrative Nutrition and Health Coach and a mom, daughter, sister, friend, community advocate and most of all….I’m a human being.

I’m committed to helping ambitious women reclaim their health through intuitive nourishment and heal from within.

I strongly
believe that woman's super power is her intuition

I spent 20+ years in corporate, doing clinical research, climbing the ladder, putting in endless hours, traveling across different time zones, managing large teams, household and trying to do it all.

I was checking all the boxes – it all appeared great on the outside. But the truth is, at the pinnacle of my career, I realized I had been following a narrative that was written by the society, not by me.

All this time, I had been trading my health for wealth, yet I've never felt more poor, and lost.

Turning point...I left my corporate job (a very science-heavy, protocol-rigid way of approaching health), and I started my own company, NourishedAlive – where it’s back to nature, connecting with your intuitive wisdom, and letting it be easy and flow.  Letting the feminine guide us.
You too can reclaim your health through your own intuitive wisdom and be free to write your own story!

"So many spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health."

– A.J. Materi

This story is familiar, women before us felt it too...


Stuck, relying on a generic, one-size-fits-all approach to HEALTH – the kind of approach that doesn’t take into consideration women's changing body, woman's intuitive wisdom, woman's nourishment type, our hormones. We're not the same, in fact we're all bio-individually unique woman.

 Young Woman Contemplating

-- Maybe you’re relying on a rigid meal plan, or counting calories without really understanding your body’s intuitive hunger and satiety cues.

-- Maybe you’re doing a HIIT workouts, doing what worked in your 20s and 30s, but you're NOT seeing the results.

-- Maybe you’re following a strict schedule….feeling like a slave to your own calendar….without taking into consideration the natural ebbs and flows throughout the month, and across the seasons.

And now, you’re asking yourself questions like:


“Why isn't this working?"

"Why can't I loose weight?"

“Why am I so tired all the time?” and

“Why do I feel like NOTHING is working?”

But it’s not your fault!


The mainstream wellness industry is based on research conducted on young college men and some post-menopausal women. No wonder it's not working and you feel so frustrated. Women are NOT the same every single day, so why keep trying the same diet, workout, schedule when we intuitively know this is not working? 

Pink Skirt

Feminine energy is free flowing.

Feminine is Intuitive. 

Feminine is Powerful.



Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup!

image of vesna at her kitchen table with a bunch of fruit and veggies around her

Imagine having your own personal Health and Nutrition Coach by your side, tailored plans for you, an intuitive way to reclaim your HEALTH and wellbeing. 

Health Coach is a must on your personal health team.
If your HEALTH is a priority I would be honored to guide you on this exciting journey. 

Start Your
Health Journey Today!


Book A Complimentary 15- Minute
Health Consultation 

Uncover your health challenges and discover what your vision is for your health. Get 1-3 personalized recommendations to get started. 


Kick start Your Health

Start your health journey, with results to show in just 30 days.  Imagine slipping into your favorite dress, radiating confidence and health.


Reclaim Your HEALTH

Complete support and accountability during your personally tailored 6 month program. Nix the calorie counting and all the overwhelm. Imagine a slimmer, more energetic, vibrant YOU!



Healthy Hormones


Intuitive Nourishment


Intuitive Movement


Work-Life Balance


Stress Management

The Nourished Alive Framework Isn't Just
About Physical Health.

Here are some ways The Nourished Alive Framework can skyrocket your performance as a trailblazing executive...

Image by Andrew Neel


Raise your own bar and be at the top of your game in ALL areas of life. You don’t need to compromise your wellbeing for your career. You’ll actually perform better in your career by prioritizing your wellbeing.

Image by krakenimages


Be in the zone and make better decisions while being in creativity and flow. Clarity is essential for leaders. Physical vitality creates mental fitness and fortitude.

Image by Katerina May


Cultivate self-awareness and emotional intelligence to make better choices, fostering personal growth and building stronger connections with those around you.

Image by Jason Goodman


Embody the executive excellence and powerfully lead. If you’re reading this and are already in a senior leadership role, you know that you’re talented and highly skilled. AND, at every new level there are new challenges and we all have moments of doubt. Being an effective leader that others want to follow requires confidence and conviction.

Image by Christina @


Navigate the art of bouncing back by learning how elite performers manage stress. Stress cripples performance and productivity and great leaders know how to reduce their stress.

Image by Paige Cody


Increased energy levels. The great challenge facing today’s leaders is not managing time, it’s managing energy. When you wake up feeling energized and have the energy to show up fully throughout the day (instead of crashing mid-afternoon), you’re going to be able to sustain your drive.

Stop waiting for that dreaded call from the doctor.
Reclaim your Health and be UNSTOPPABLE 

You're the CEO of your own wellbeing, claim it!

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